Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Dream Come True

This past week I finally opened my Etsy store after a month’s planning and working to create some of my ideas. For years I’ve been yearning to express myself in other creative ways outside my writing. So, making the things that I dream up, usually while actually sleeping, and offering them for sale is indeed a dream come true for me.

 In my life as a writer, which I’ve been active in for nearly 30 years now, I’ve often run into people who are “dream stealers”, those who have both bold and subtle ways of destroying the aspirations of others.  You know them. They are everywhere.  It has been a top priority for me for a long time to encourage other creatives to pursue their passion and I’ve managed to help a few over the years – especially writers. 

I've grown to realize that the dream thieves attack all kinds of visionaries – whether it’s a child who wants to grow up to be a painter or someone who wants to change the world through solar stoves. There will always be a group of people for whom imagining success at an endeavor is impossible and therefore they literally destroy the future with their negativity. So, one of the main thrusts of this new shop is to produce items that will help adults and children to hold on to their hopes and follow their hearts, no matter what.

That won’t be all I offer, because the other side of this dream of mine is just to make whatever creative thing comes to mind and put it out there for the world to see. If I sell a few things that will be wonderful, but I fully intend to roll around joyfully in the crafting of these dream items one way or the other.

I’d love it if you stopped by to see what I have so far, but let me just tell you – I’m planning so much more; art dolls that are legendary dream questors, fun kindle covers with pockets for notes, special “crowns” to help children dream and several other ideas are already in the works.

Good luck, my friends, on pursuing your own dreams and let me end this post with a quote that so fits my situation - “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ― C.S. Lewis

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